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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

NAJAKS 2007 call for papers

NAJAKS is short for Nordic Association for Japanese and Korean Studies. A call for papers for the 2007 conference in Copenhagen, 24.-26. August just arrived via email. As the receivers of the notice were requested to assist in disseminating information about the conference, I'll do my share with this blog note. A conference home page will be set up later this year.
Call for Papers – NAJAKS 2007

Proposals for papers are invited for the 7th NAJAKS Conference in Copenhagen, 24.-26. August 2007. The conference theme is:

Translating Japan and Korea

"Translation" is to be taken in the broadest sense – it is how we interpret and explain different cultures in our scholarly projects, whatever our disciplines.

We are "translators," not only when we literally transport and transform one medium into another. We also interpret and explain the forms and figurations of cultural phenomena at different levels: to students, to colleagues, or to the public at large. The manner in which we render words, concepts and worlds into our own language depends on many factors: power relations, ideology, religious beliefs, disciplinary constraints, and other things of which we may not be completely aware.

Sections and convenors

1. Literature (Yoichi Nagashima, [yoichi(a)hum.ku.dk])
2. History (Margaret Mehl [mehl(a)hum.ku.dk], Morten Oxenbøll [mortenox(a)hum.ku.dk])
3. Social Sciences, Politics & Anthropology (Marie Roesgaard [roesgd(a)hum.ku.dk] & Karl Jakob Krogness [krogness(a)hum.ku.dk])
4. Economics and Business Studies (Carl Jørgen Saxer)
5. Philosophy and Religion (Margaret Mehl [mehl(a)hum.ku.dk])
6. Visual Culture (Gunhild Borggreen [gunhild(a)hum.ku.dk] & Lars Martin Sørensen [lms(a)hum.ku.dk>)
7. Linguistics (Bjarke Frellesvig [bjarke.frellesvig(a)hertford.ox.ac.] & Janick Wrona [wrona(a)ling.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp])
8. Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (Yasuko Madsen [yasuko.madsen(a)japan.gu.se])

Proposals should be submitted directly to the convenors. Proposals not relating to the conference theme are welcomed; however convenors may give preference to papers relating to the conference theme, if they receive more proposals than they can accept.
I separate document for each of the sections accompanied the mail; from those I have only included the email addresses of the session convenors. The deadline for presentation abstracts in all sessions is February 1, 2007, and notions of acceptance will be mailed at around April 1, 2007.

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